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017: 7 Weird Facts About Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time of so much change – emotionally and physically. Some of those changes can be really embarrassing and because no one’s...
016: Stop Telling Me to Get Over My Grief
We have to stop playing the Loss Olympics. Too often we undercut and minimize our own grief to our own detriment, and laying the...
015: How a Chiropractor Can Help with Fertility and Pregnancy
For years I thought chiropractors help only after car accidents by "cracking your back". So when my friend, Dr. Anjali Agrawal, a...
014: Birth Stories
In this episode of Delivering Miracles, Parijat Deshpande and friends Haley Gray and Sundae Bean share their stories — a premature birth...
013: Coping with the Loss of a Child With Dr. Tara May
Losing a child, no matter how far along in the pregnancy you were or how old the child was, is one of the hardest experiences a parent...
012: Preparing for Prematurity
If you are at risk for delivering early you need to be prepared. 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely and the medical risks are extremely...
011: How To Get Your Partner Involved During Your Pregnancy
In this episode of Delivering Miracles, high-risk pregnancy expert, clinically trained therapist, and former high-risk mom, Parijat...
010: The Impact of Political Stress on Pregnancy
Regardless of political views, we are living in a crazy time in our world. The political climate can take a toll on your health even when...
009: My Top 10 Things You Need to Do, Get or Buy When You're Trying to Get Pregnant
There are so many opinions, suggestions and recommendations for things to do and buy to help you get pregnant. Especially when you're...
008: The Truth About the Postpartum Period After a High-Risk Pregnancy & Preterm Delivery
The moment you've been waiting for and fighting for is finally here! Your baby is home. But you still find yourself feeling anxious that...
007: Truths and Myths about Fertility and Pregnancy
Between your mom's advice, anecdotes from friends information Dr. Google shares and the tips you get from your doctor, there is so much...
006: Braving Bed Rest with Angela Davids
In this episode of Delivering Miracles, I talk with Angela Davids, founder of Keep ‘Em Cookin’ - an educational organization that gives...
005: Your High-Risk Pregnancy Questions Answered
I remember duing my high-risk pregnancy I often felt like I had more questions than answers. I'd read something online - a blog post or a...
004: There is Hope During a High-Risk Pregnancy
When you're going through a high-risk pregnancy, receiving bad news about your health or your baby's health, living each moment with...
003: How to Get a Reliable Second Opinion During Your High-Risk Pregnancy
It's one thing to know that you can or you should get a second opinion. It's a whole other thing to actually go do it. So many women I...
002: Shedding Expectations - My Journey Through Primary Infertility
One in 8 couples face fertility challenges. That number is staggering and what that means is each and every one of us knows at least one cou
001: The Power of Fear - The Last 15 Days of My High-Risk Pregnancy
Dealing with a high-risk pregnancy can make you feel terrified, completely helpless and and out of control. The problem is, nobody is talkin
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