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057: It Takes a Village to Make a Mother - Interview with Abbi Perets
Have you ever felt SO overwhelmed, exhausted and burned out by all of the challenges you're facing that you end up on the floor of your...

How to Prepare for Pregnancy After Prematurity
For most women a preterm delivery is traumatic. Whether you expected to deliver early (like I did) or you had no signs of it and it...

3 Things I Learned From Having 8 Complications During My High-Risk Pregnancy
My pregnancy had been really difficult from the start, beginning with finding out about my first health complication before I found out I...

055: Using Your Words to Heal from Infertility, High-Risk Pregnancy and/or Preterm Delivery
You feel broken. You feel like you've failed your baby. You feel like a terrible mother. You feel like you deserve the challenges you're...

053: How to End Guilt and Self-Blame When You're Going Through Infertility or a High-Risk Pregna
You know infertility and a high-risk pregnancy is not your fault. You KNOW it. But the thoughts just don't stop. Why is this happening?...

052: The Truth About Carrying Twins During a High-Risk Pregnancy
Having twins sounds cool doesn't it? I've always wished I had a twin! And to be honest, there have been times on our fertility journey...

How to manage your toddler's temper tantrums (especially if you're on bed rest!)
Bed rest and a high-risk pregnancy were hard enough on their own when I was at home by myself. I didn't have another child (or children)...

051: Overcoming Stress and Anxiety So You Can Have a Healthy Pregnancy
Feeling stressed during your pregnancy, especially if you are high-risk, is not your fault. Who wouldn't feel stressed when they have...

050: Babyproofing Your Career When You're on Bed Rest with Arianna Taboada
One of the biggest stressors many women have who end up on bed rest is how to continue contributing financially to the household. Whether...

049: The Benefits of Alternative Therapies to Help You with Infertility and a High-Risk Pregnancy
Western medicine has its limitations and when you go through infertility and/or a high-risk pregnancy you know exactly how little science...

047: Why "Don't Lose Hope" is Terrible Advice During Infertility, a High-Risk Pregnanc
"Don't lose hope" sounds like really supportive advice for anyone going through a difficult time in their life, right? It's positive,...

046: Accepting Imperfection During Childbirth and Parenthood
Pregnant women are frequently told to make a birth plan, as detailed as possible, so that everyone is on the same page about what women...

Case Study: How Rima Slowed Her Preterm Contractions and Delivered A Healthy Baby
Are you having contractions...maybe they're Braxton Hicks, maybe they're preterm contractions...but you're SO scared that you will meet...

044: Loving Your Body Again After a High-Risk Pregnancy or Preterm Delivery
I was in my pre-pregnancy jeans within 2 weeks of delivering. Not due to any special diet or exercise routine or some secret all the...

043: The Biggest Lie Women Tell
There’s one particular lie that so many women going through infertility, high-risk pregnancy, prematurity or taking care of children tell...

041: Postpartum Body Memories
Memories of traumatic pregnancies are not just stored in the mind but the body as well. Today I’ll tell you about my own experiences, and...

040: Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols
Today’s guest is the expert of experts on gestational diabetes, Lily Nichols: registered dietitian, nutritionist, certified diabetes...

The Truth About Antidepressants During Pregnancy
There's SO much junk information out there and it infuriates me how it feeds into the fear-mongering that is prevalent in the fertility

039: The Impact of Paternal Age on Fertility and Healthy Pregnancies
When Janet Jackson announced that she was pregnant at the age of 50, the world gasped and threw judgment in every shade at her. She was...

How to Manage Pain During Pregnancy Without Medications
On top of all of the changes that go on in your pregnancy, physical pain is one of the most difficult for many women to navigate. And...
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