One of the less-frequently discussed side effects of bedrest is how much of a toll it takes on your relationship with your partner.
With no more date nights, special outings or physically intimate moments in your future, both you and your partner can end up frustrated.
Add on to that the fact that you both are stressed out about your health as well as the health of your baby and it can create the perfect storm for arguments, feeling disconnected and alone in your relationships.
But a high-risk pregnancy doesn't mean you have to sacrifice how connected you feel to your partner.
In this video I share with you:
why focusing your marriage is important even on bedrest
3 ways to stay connected with each other so you can both feel close
The Short and Sweet
Remember bedrest is not your fault and it's not your partner's fault either. Give yourselves time to share how much you miss each other and commiserate together about how hard this experience is on both of you.
Be clear on what's allowed. You may be putting more restrictions on yourself than is actually necessary. Make sure you are clear on what exactly is allowed and not allowed for your particular situation.
Get creative! You may not be able to connect the way you used to but there are so many different ways to initiate and maintain intimacy that are bedrest (and pelvic rest) friendly.
Grab and Go!
Need some ideas? Here are 24 ideas to initiate intimacy to get you started!
Tweet This!
Having a high-risk pregnancy doesn't mean you have to stop being intimate. You just have to get creative! (Tweet that!)
Your Turn!
How do you stay close and connected to your partner while on bedrest? Leave your ideas in the comments below!