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010: The Impact of Political Stress on Pregnancy

Regardless of political views, we are living in a crazy time in our world. The political climate can take a toll on your health even when you're not pregnant but when you're carrying a child, this stress can have a tremendous impact on your pregnancy health.

I share with you the story of a client who experienced just that, plus tips on how to cope with stress during the Trump presidency so you can continue to have a healthy pregnancy.


Episode highlights...

  • Statistics that indicate that today's politics have generated a high level of stress that pervades the majority of Americans

  • The experience of a prior client, "Bonny" who experienced preterm contractions related to political stress

  • Social media can be influencing the health of your pregnancy. Know when to unplug!

  • Can politics really trigger preterm contractions? What are the facts?

  • Stress is not just emotional. It is physiological as well. What you need to know about both.

  • How political-related stress can have a profound physiological effect on overall pregnancy health and fertility.

  • Three methods that instantly and effectively reduce stress

  • Laughter is powerful medicine. How it can be used to combat stress

  • How finding a new obsession can be a great thing

  • Why you should find a replacement for Facebook

  • Listener "Jenny" writes in to share how political stress level is so severe that it is causing miscarriages

  • Why mental and emotional hygiene is so important for someone who is pregnant or trying to get pregnant

It's a crazy world that we live in right now. How do you cope with a world filled with political controversy outside of your control? The answer lies within all of us, so be honest about your stress level and learn simple yet effective coping mechanisms.

Resources from the show...

  • Get your copy of Pregnancy Brain: A Mind-Body Approach to Stress Management During a High-Risk Pregnancy (Read Now)

  • Connect on Facebook (Like the page)

  • Connect on Twitter (Follow me)

  • Connect on Instagram (Follow me)


Political-related stress can have a profound physiological effect on overall pregnancy health and fertility. (Tweet that!)

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