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Happy People Do This, Do You?

So many moms on bedrest, with a high-risk pregnancy or in the NICU feel down.

Frequently they even wonder if they're depressed or on the path to depression.

It's no surprise. With the level of stress that high-risk and NICU moms feel on a day to day basis, it wears on their mood.

And what's worse is they feel stuck and helpless because there's nothing they can do to change their circumstances.

Many moms believe that unless the situation changes, there will always be stress.

Do you ever feel that way too?

You can lower your stress even when the circumstances are stressful with just one word

When you take this word out of your vocabulary, you will start seeing a shift in your stress levels.

And this is critical for moms with a high-risk pregnancy or in the NICU because mom's stress levels directly affect the baby!

Take the Challenge

I work with so many clients who come to me because they feel pinned down by stress and hopeless that anything will change. So if you feel this way, you are not alone.

My clients come to me with what feels like a broken record of thoughts and the word that they all overuse is “should”.

I should eat healthier I should exercise more. I should be working instead of lying in bed. I should, should, should, should.

That one word controls how happy, confident and satisfied you feel with your life. (Tweet that!)

The more you use it, the more obvious it becomes what you aren’t doing and you lose sight of all of the things that you are doing which adds to the stress you already feel!

Your challenge

Notice every time you use the “S” word and banish it from your vocabulary so can lower your stress and feel happier again.

Do you accept this challenge? Share it on my Facebook page! I would love to hear from you!

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That’s where I share my most heartfelt thoughts and personal stories to give you hope through this really difficult time.

You’ll also get access to my private online community where you can get support from other moms who are fighting for their baby too.

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