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85: How to Know It's Time to Stop Trying with Dr. Maria Rothenburger

How does it feel to watch your dreams fade away? It’s never a good feeling, but what if those dreams involve how many children to have or when to walk away and end your journey to conceive a child? Somehow, this dream cuts deeper than other dreams that may go unfulfilled in your life.


Episode highlights...

  • How she and her husband tried for more than 6 years, going through deep depression, anxiety, and intense marriage struggles

  • Why they decided the process wasn’t worth the pain and decided to be child-free until changing their minds to pursue adoption

  • What post-traumatic growth is and how you can recognize it

  • Why Maria is passionate about growth and uses it in coaching

  • What is involved in the question: Can we have more children?

  • Questions to consider if you are wondering if “this journey needs to end”:

  • Realizing you can grow your life in other ways if you choose not to grow your family

  • How pain and grief can be the impetus for finding joy and gratefulness

  • Maria’s year-long plan for healing her marriage and finding peace

  • Maria’s advice to listeners: “Letting go does NOT mean giving up”

  • The fear and desperation that works against you in creating fertility

  • How and why we withhold joy and pleasure from ourselves

  • Re-train your brain to grow new neurotransmitters and synapses

As Dr. Maria says,“Pay INTENTION about listening to yourself and trusting yourself. You already know what to do next, and you just have to tune into it.”

Resources from the show...

About the Guest

Dr. Maria Rothenburger is a fertility therapist and coach who has been through infertility challenges. Her doctoral research focused on post-traumatic growth as opposed to PTSD. Though she still practices as a psychotherapist, her passion has become fertility coaching, as she uses a four-pronged approach for movement toward optimal fertility.

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Как хорошо, что есть место, где мы можем пообщаться по поводу новостей. На сегодняшний день это очень важно, тем более, когда события развиваються и меняются так стремительно. С таким раскладом нужно иметь качественный новостной портал, который сможет предоставлять проверенные и актуальные новости, что бы держать вас в курсе событий. Хорошо, что я в своё время нашёл такой, сейчас благодаря ему, я узнаю все новости криптошколы, которая в свою очередь предоставляет все самые актуальные события и новости мира криптовалюты. Таким образом, я могу узнавать как специфические, так и общие новости, что позволяет мне быть всегда в информационном пространстве. Поэтому, так важно иметь качественный новостной портал.

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