When I ask my Path to Baby™️ clients what they want most for their next high-risk pregnancy (aside from a healthy baby to bring home) most of them answer with some variation of, "I want to feel at peace during my pregnancy."
One client who had experienced neonatal loss described it so beautifully by saying, "I don't want to miss any moment of my pregnancy under a cloud of anxiety."
A few months later, we were on a call & she was rattling off all the things she had planned for the weekend:
✓ visit the paint store for paint samples for her kitchen
✓ meet with her interior designer to finalize the layout for the sunroom they were adding to their home
✓ meet up with friends for a movie night
✓ meal prep for the week
I just sat there smiling at her as she spoke. "What?" she asked sheepishly. I can still see her face, her cheeks becoming pink. "Did you just hear what you just said?"
We discussed the meaning of what a list like that carried for her during her pregnancy after loss.
It wasn't what she said, but that she had trained her body to feel safe being pregnant that she could focus on home projects & socializing.
Her mind was no longer going to the "what ifs" & that's only possible in a body that has been retrained to feel safe being pregnant after loss, preterm birth, pregnancy trauma orbith truama.
At the intersection of optimized Health, Healing, & Healthcare is where that safety lies.
This was the first of many moments like this for her!
Throughout her pregnancy, we adjusted our approach to Health, Healing, & Healthcare to be responsive to each stage of her pregnancy. When she brought her baby home, we reflected on what that experience was like.
"I actually lived through that pregnancy," she told me. Instead of hiding. Instead of coping.
She experienced every moment of it the way that she wanted. You can too.
Click here to inquire about how we can work together.