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Your Lived Reality Must Lead Your Care Plan

I developed an autoimmune disease after my son came home from the NICU & thankfully I was able to start treatment very quickly.

"The standard dose is 20mg. Take that. You should feel better soon," my specialist said to me.

Within 12 hours my otherwise petite hands blew up to the size of my husband's hands. I felt so sick. Something worse was wrong. She had no idea what. After speaking with 3 other docs I found out I was overdosing. 20mg was the standard dose but not at all what my body could handle, but she didn't believe it because the data didn't prove it.

A textbook should never invalidate your lived experience. Your lived reality must lead the care plan no matter what textbooks have written.

That's why I will never stand by offering a cookie cutter solution. Western medicine offers enough of that. Having been on the receiving end of complications because of a cookie cutter approach, I vowed to never be the practitioner of such support or resources either.

This is why, when I get questions like "How do you help clients bring home their baby in Path to Baby™️ after a history fo [insert complication]?" my answer is always, "It depends."

It depends on:

  • when & how everything unfolded last time

  • what current health situation you find yourself in & how they're tied to what you went through in your previous pregnancy (e.g. endometriosis & placenta previa or PCOS & loss)

  • where your body is holding on to trapped survival stress & how that's coming out (e.g. pain, insomnia, hypertension, digestive trouble, etc.)

  • how all of this changes with each phase (trimester, week, or day) of pregnancy

and so much more!

Your body is telling the story of what happened, your risk factors, your health, & what it needs to have a healthy pregnancy. That is why Path to Baby™️ is totally customized to you & why it spans from conception to homecoming. Tailored to your history, your body, for the duration of your next high-risk pregnancy.

I know you've had too many experiences like mine, being treated by the textbook when your body was telling everyone otherwise. It's time you had your Health, Healing, & Health Care tailored to you to help you have the best chance at bringing home your next baby. Click here to learn how.

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Mind-body health & wellness training, integrative coaching and consultations, and patient advocacy services do not provide medical advice and are not meant to replace advice given by the client's medical or mental health service provider. Sessions are not psychotherapy. Legal disclaimer.

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