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080: Ending Avoidance
We all know avoiding important tasks isn't helpful. And yet we all do it, because, let's face it, it's easier than making that doctor's...
078: Miracles During a High-Risk Pregnancy
A high-risk pregnancy is a uniquely difficult time because of the emotional and physical intensity. Within a short 40 weeks - sometimes...
076: When Crying is Not a Sign of Postpartum Depression
With increased attention on postpartum depression in the media and in research, more and more women (and their loved ones) are becoming...
075: Coping With Pregnancy After Loss with Christine McAlister
Experiencing a loss is heart shattering for any parent. Whether it's a chemical pregnancy, miscarriage, due to prematurity, a stillbirth...
074: How Stress and the Mind-Body Connection Impact Pregnancy Health
The term "mind-body connection" can mean a variety of things to so many people. Some take it to mean mental health, others take it to...
073: When Your Body Needs You to Slow Down But You Like to Go Fast
When you're a Type-A, go-getter person who loves to be busy, it hard to accept when your body needs you to go slow. You feel...
071: Why Labels Matter
The words and labels that you use during your family-building challenges matter. They inform what important anchor points define your...
070: How to Cope with Financial Stress for a Healthy Pregnancy with Aisha Taylor
Financial stress is a tremendous source of stress for women with a high-risk pregnancy. Whether it's because you spent much of your...
068: Essentials and Gifts for NICU Parents
The NICU is an overwhelming, scary place that feels like a world away from the rest of the world. Whether you're expecting to spend time...
067: Infertility, Marriage, Pregnancy After Loss - Listener's Questions Answered
When you have challenges creating the family of your dreams, whether it's experiencing loss or infertility, a high-risk pregnancy or...
066: Expecting Triplets - A Mother's Experience of a High-Risk Pregnancy and NICU
When I first started watching This is Us, the very first episode reminded me of a good friend I'd met during my high-risk pregnancy. Not...
064: How to Cope with Anger Even When You're Living the Life You Dreamt Of
Ever feel angry to the point when you get a baby shower invitation or hear about a birth announcement? Feel that anger bubbling up when...
063: What OBs, Medical Providers and Postpartum Women Need to Know About Maternal Mental Health with
There are far too many misconceptions and incorrect stereotypes about maternal mental health. From believing a woman is crazy to labeling...
062: How to Take Back Control When You Feel Backed Into a Corner During Infertility or a High-Risk P
No matter the circumstances, when you feel like all options are gone and your back is to the wall, we feel extremely frustrated. That...
058: How to Trust the Right People During Infertility, a High-Risk Pregnancy and in the NICU
It's hard to know who to trust when you're going through a life-altering experience like infertility, high-risk pregnancy or a baby in...
057: It Takes a Village to Make a Mother - Interview with Abbi Perets
Have you ever felt SO overwhelmed, exhausted and burned out by all of the challenges you're facing that you end up on the floor of your...
How to Prepare for Pregnancy After Prematurity
For most women a preterm delivery is traumatic. Whether you expected to deliver early (like I did) or you had no signs of it and it...
3 Things I Learned From Having 8 Complications During My High-Risk Pregnancy
My pregnancy had been really difficult from the start, beginning with finding out about my first health complication before I found out I...
055: Using Your Words to Heal from Infertility, High-Risk Pregnancy and/or Preterm Delivery
You feel broken. You feel like you've failed your baby. You feel like a terrible mother. You feel like you deserve the challenges you're...
053: How to End Guilt and Self-Blame When You're Going Through Infertility or a High-Risk Pregna
You know infertility and a high-risk pregnancy is not your fault. You KNOW it. But the thoughts just don't stop. Why is this happening?...
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