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137: The Power of You - The Final Episode
With the technology boom, patients and clients now have access to the same information as medical professionals. As beneficial as...

136: What Women Need to Know About Pregnancy Anxiety
Statistics show that approximately 6% of women experience anxiety during pregnancy, but I suspect that the percentage is actually much...

135: Parenting After Loss: How to Honor Your Grief While Caring For Your Living Children
Parenting after loss is a topic that comes up frequently in the Delivering Miracles community. People ask what they should do and how...

134: Why Nervous System Regulation is Essential for Optimal Prenatal & Postpartum Health
I’m asked frequently why I like to focus on bodywork and nervous system regulation. The simple answer is that I want to know (and I want...

133: This is Trauma Live Event
The topic of trauma has hit home for me and our DM community. Stress, anxiety, and maternal mental health issues all have their roots in...

132: The Biggest Problem of Prenatal & Postpartum Care
This is the episode I didn’t want to do. I tried to avoid it, but I can’t. My feelings are prompted by what I’ve seen on social media...

131: Comparing and Justifying Prevent Healing
Do you feel that you deserve to heal and feel better on your fertility journey? Do you feel like you deserve to be a mother and...

130: How to Prepare for a Preterm Delivery
November is Prematurity Awareness Month, so it’s a good time for us to discuss the basics. In today’s show, we’re talking about risk...

129: Listener Q and A
I love to hear from you! I love to address your questions and concerns with Listener Q & A episodes, like today’s show. Join us as we...

128: Healing After Pregnancy & Infant Loss
There are many nuances to grief. The loss of a child is extremely painful grief, but you have to trust that your body knows how to heal...

127: When You Feel Lost After Having a Baby in the NICU
One of the most interesting aspects of my work in working with a wide variety of people is that every experience is so different, even if...

Fertility Challenges: Who's To Blame?
When we're experiencing fertility challenges - whether they were known or unexpected - it's easy to point our finger to ourselves and...

126: How to Prepare for Pregnancy after Preemie
September is NICU Awareness Month. If you aren’t familiar with what NICU stands for, it’s where sick or pre-term babies go for...

125: The Truth About Fertility Trauma When You're Trying to Conceive
Fertility trauma is happening all around us. It’s a huge part of the journey when you’re trying to conceive. Today’s show discusses why...

124: 5 Myths About Fertility, Pregnancy or Trauma Healing
I’ve talked to many women from many backgrounds with many complications. These women are all tied together by experiencing trauma on...

123: Caring for a Newborn with Dr. Robert Hamilton
Some time ago, I came across a video on Facebook in which a pediatrician was showing a hold that soothes a crying newborn. One time when...

The Strength of Hope with Jennie Mo
The Strength of Hope Series is a collection of interviews sharing the strength and hope of women who have experienced infertility, loss,...

How Much Do You Change After Infertility, Loss, High-Risk Pregnancy and Birth Trauma?
After having gone through infertility, a life-threatening loss, a very high-risk pregnancy, an extremely preterm delivery & months in the...

121: Body Kindness and Healing Body Image Postpartum with Rebecca Scritchfield
Body image issues are common for girls during the adolescent and teen years, but do things improve at all for women in the postpartum?...

Maternal Mental Health Is More About Trauma Than Depression or Anxiety
Yesterday I saw a post by my friend and colleague that resonated so much, I knew I had to say something. We are getting maternal mental...
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